Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Rocking Redo

First, I would love to welcome my new readers!!  Please leave comments so I can get to know my audience!  I would love to hear from you!

Several months ago, my grandfather purchased a cherry red rocking chair for my Mere at a flea market.
The chair is toddler-sized and in wonderful condition overall.

The chair had some peeling and chipping paint, which didn't bother the kiddos at all.
I was trying to let the imperfections grow on me, but the Type A side of me began to take over....and a rocking redo began! 

I scraped off any of the paint that I could. 
The paint that was on the chair wasn't thickly coated, so I sanded the remainder of the chair to smooth everything out.  This process actually took away a great deal of excess paint as well!

I let Meredith choose a new color for the chair.  I was hoping for her to pick red (to make the repair a lot easier on me), but instead she chose PINK!

We purchased the paint from my favorite blue store - Valspar brand, Satin Spray Paint.

The entire can gave me two coats for the chair.  I went slowly, spraying in sections and letting dry before continuing to ensure even coverage.
The spray paint was amazingly easy to use.  I love the Valspar paint way more than the other store brands you can purchase in any craft section.  The even, smooth coverage was easier to achieve.

I am in love with the end result!

A nice smooth coat of a pale pink! 

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