About me!

I am Devon.
I am a graduate of a woman's college that has since gone co-ed. 
I am the proud recipient of a Master's degree that I wanted only because I was bored....

I am a wife of six years...an Army wife, and a Law-Student wife. 
My husband is Active duty Army, and is studying law at a TOP 10 ranked school.  
He is very intelligent, funny, kind and loving.  He is an amazing man and an amazing father. 

   {Still searching for a photo of just the 2 of us - harder than you think!}

I am a SAHM of two beautiful, intelligent and fun-loving children. They are perfectly happy, perfectly healthy and very spunky. They are full of energy and questions.

Lucas is my first-born. He has a very calm nature, full of love and is quite playful.
He loves all things BOY: dinosaurs, cars/trucks, trains.

Meredith is my toddler who already has the attitude of a teenager.
She loves all things pink and purple. She loves jewlery and sparkles.
She LOVES cuddles and quiet games of tea and babies.

I started blogging a few years ago, to share the day-to-day life of my children with family and friends.
I had to stop flooding their inboxes with the ridiculous amount of photos I take.
My family blog slowly began to include recipes I love, crafts I am doing and random decorating ideas.

I began Domestically Devon to catch the overflow of these ideas….to have a space that was ONLY mine!

I love that after the day is done, I still have enough energy to have thoughts swimming around in my head until all hours of the night. I lose sleep over it.

The problem is finding the energy to get it all accomplished!

So what am I trying to accomplish?!

I am slowly teaching myself to sew. This is more difficult because it requires so much attention to detail and patience. Often, after long days with my two littles, there isn’t much patience left for sewing!

I love taking photos.
I want a super-cool camera with a huge lens.

I love scrapbooking.  However, I have only completed THREE albums in my whole life.

I love crafting....
I think Martha Stewart is a goddess.

I love to cook. I love to bake. I love being in the kitchen.
But I absolutely hate to clean up the mess.  The joys of a home cook.

And in between making time for all those things, I am trying to keep our home full of love!

Let me know if I ever leave that out!

If you ever want to contact me, try devonrkc@aol.com

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