My husband is also on Spring Break this week -- which reduces my computer time by a lot!
I thought this would be a fun view of our days. I recently ordered a booster seat for my son.
If you are interested, I bought a Britax Frontier 85...which is a 5-point harness up to 100 lbs that converts to a booster. I will most definately pay the money for the piece of mind for my child, as I wanted to keep him in a harness for as long as possible. But I suppose that is another post for another time....
Regardless of that, the box was an awesome treat for my kiddos!
We cut the box to make into a vehicular vehicular even a word?
Since its creation, the box has been colored on and decorated with cut out shapes and various stickers. Wheels have been added with paper plates.
You can do this with any box.
Check with your local grocery store if you need some....they are more than willling to let you have boxes.
Seriously, hours and hours of fun for your kiddos.
That brings back so many memories for me. Ryan LOVED his Britax box when he was a toddler and we bought his convertible seat. It stayed in my living room for a long time too. And we cut windows out of it.
I bet my boys would love it if I got another giant box like that.
Boxes are the greatest playthings. They allow for so much imagination. Sara Ellen had a big moving box that she used at parents house when we lived there. And it's actually still there. She played it in at christmastime, even snuggled in it to watch a movie. The britax boxes are great unusual shapes. We have two stacked in the garage; the frontier for S and roundabout 50 for E
I especially like that they're traveling stylishly and safely in a car seat box!
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